all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S3 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S3 7BU 12 0 53.384238 -1.479715
S3 7BY 3 1 53.384193 -1.479791
S3 7BR 8 0 53.376656 -1.485053
S3 7AH 76 0 53.386328 -1.472578
S3 7QP 1 1 53.380323 -1.482709
S3 7HS 0 53.382819 -1.482108
S3 7AY 43 0 53.38477 -1.48019
S3 7LH 97 0 53.387582 -1.4799
S3 7LJ 85 0 53.387582 -1.4799
S3 7LL 28 0 53.3887 -1.478608
S3 7LR 84 0 53.388546 -1.478204
S3 7LS 68 0 53.388537 -1.478219
S3 7GJ 0 53.385171 -1.477298
S3 7BE 1 53.388216 -1.47678
S3 7GL 3 53.385862 -1.479049
S3 7GN 0 53.385308 -1.479943
S3 7ET 0 53.389224 -1.479098
S3 7DD 1 0 53.386212 -1.477
S3 7HP 0 53.385284 -1.480605
S3 7HX 0 53.384704 -1.479499