all postcodes in S3 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S3 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S3 7WJ 1 1 53.376133 -1.478401
S3 7WL 6 6 53.375642 -1.479174
S3 7WQ 11 1 53.375196 -1.477766
S3 7WR 1 1 53.374976 -1.479032
S3 7WT 6 1 53.37565 -1.483097
S3 7XA 25 0 53.377772 -1.483131
S3 7XB 57 0 53.377033 -1.482749
S3 7XD 38 0 53.377674 -1.481403
S3 7XE 32 0 53.377435 -1.480144
S3 7XF 33 0 53.377092 -1.479817
S3 7XG 55 0 53.378214 -1.479443
S3 7XH 10 0 53.377268 -1.478988
S3 7XJ 21 0 53.377283 -1.478222
S3 7XL 34 0 53.376613 -1.481281
S3 7SS 0 53.378686 -1.480369
S3 7ST 0 53.378406 -1.480222
S3 7SY 39 0 53.378333 -1.479908
S3 7SZ 1 1 53.378217 -1.480059
S3 7SX 3 0 53.379695 -1.478989
S3 7SW 29 0 53.378628 -1.479498