all postcodes in S44 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S44 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S44 6UB 36 0 53.225831 -1.296362
S44 6UD 50 0 53.226031 -1.299833
S44 6UE 9 0 53.225279 -1.298707
S44 6UF 39 0 53.224603 -1.297042
S44 6UG 29 0 53.223855 -1.295137
S44 6UH 7 0 53.224276 -1.294919
S44 6UJ 51 0 53.208286 -1.289014
S44 6UL 9 0 53.207835 -1.287268
S44 6UN 32 3 53.210595 -1.288901
S44 6UP 6 0 53.208181 -1.290946
S44 6UQ 13 0 53.212645 -1.290468
S44 6UR 26 1 53.210922 -1.291006
S44 6UT 14 0 53.211135 -1.290509
S44 6UU 1 1 53.218237 -1.312047
S44 6UX 3 0 53.20631 -1.301502
S44 6UY 3 1 53.20278 -1.311292
S44 6UZ 3 2 53.200137 -1.317351
S44 6XA 6 1 53.227389 -1.271486
S44 6XB 3 2 53.223831 -1.270077
S44 6XD 1 0 53.239687 -1.267142