all postcodes in S44 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S44 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S44 6EL 1 53.226199 -1.281183
S44 6EN 0 53.226911 -1.282938
S44 6EP 0 53.226918 -1.279687
S44 6EQ 0 53.224165 -1.28517
S44 6ER 1 53.227249 -1.277974
S44 6ES 0 53.227387 -1.278526
S44 6ET 0 53.228936 -1.281856
S44 6EU 0 53.228146 -1.282124
S44 6EW 1 53.227179 -1.282739
S44 6EX 0 53.228317 -1.280578
S44 6EY 0 53.228598 -1.280902
S44 6EZ 0 53.228995 -1.282784
S44 6FA 0 53.225456 -1.280221
S44 6FB 0 53.232677 -1.289628
S44 6GA 2 53.230989 -1.309954
S44 6HA 8 53.228922 -1.291622
S44 6HB 2 53.228255 -1.291379
S44 6HD 1 53.228971 -1.292265
S44 6HE 0 53.228611 -1.293785
S44 6HF 10 53.228247 -1.292996