all postcodes in S45 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S45 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S45 9BN 17 3 53.164183 -1.40318
S45 9BP 27 0 53.165098 -1.399323
S45 9BQ 3 3 53.162167 -1.391839
S45 9BS 25 0 53.164723 -1.398012
S45 9BT 20 1 53.164642 -1.396233
S45 9BU 24 7 53.164333 -1.397193
S45 9BW 20 1 53.164999 -1.402718
S45 9BX 1 1 53.162491 -1.39583
S45 9BY 1 1 53.164139 -1.394565
S45 9BZ 27 0 53.163647 -1.398655
S45 9DA 23 0 53.16379 -1.400209
S45 9DB 42 0 53.162624 -1.398954
S45 9DD 7 0 53.162315 -1.399945
S45 9DF 6 0 53.162695 -1.402348
S45 9DJ 18 0 53.162379 -1.403878
S45 9DL 8 0 53.162283 -1.402653
S45 9DN 28 0 53.163039 -1.402837
S45 9AF 2 2 53.171417 -1.41539
S45 9DP 6 4 53.171326 -1.415333
S45 9DW 11 4 53.166826 -1.415692