all postcodes in S45 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S45 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S45 9NJ 28 0 53.170033 -1.408305
S45 9NL 6 0 53.170618 -1.403135
S45 9NN 4 0 53.169024 -1.400585
S45 9NP 17 0 53.17013 -1.406179
S45 9NQ 53 1 53.170651 -1.405856
S45 9NR 1 1 53.167483 -1.414353
S45 9NS 11 6 53.167137 -1.415134
S45 9NT 1 0 53.167193 -1.415793
S45 9ED 2 2 53.16989 -1.413675
S45 9NU 50 41 53.170204 -1.410202
S45 9NW 4 0 53.167114 -1.405233
S45 9NX 1 0 53.168042 -1.414734
S45 9NY 2 2 53.171101 -1.40962
S45 9NZ 1 1 53.167933 -1.407227
S45 9PD 3 1 53.169834 -1.411598
S45 9PE 11 3 53.167467 -1.414847
S45 9PG 30 2 53.168082 -1.422765
S45 9PH 20 3 53.167842 -1.423142
S45 9PJ 18 0 53.169979 -1.424684
S45 9PL 26 0 53.170022 -1.42422