all postcodes in S45 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S45 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S45 9HE 44 0 53.160584 -1.409915
S45 9HF 9 0 53.163384 -1.410789
S45 9HG 20 0 53.16341 -1.410204
S45 9HH 32 0 53.163713 -1.408152
S45 9HJ 28 0 53.163245 -1.408144
S45 9HL 6 0 53.163132 -1.407008
S45 9HN 40 0 53.162628 -1.408465
S45 9HP 13 0 53.163476 -1.405491
S45 9HQ 6 0 53.163333 -1.409533
S45 9HR 13 0 53.163737 -1.405714
S45 9HS 16 0 53.164437 -1.407064
S45 9HT 10 0 53.163252 -1.414753
S45 9HU 8 0 53.16162 -1.410215
S45 9HW 47 0 53.162616 -1.406223
S45 9HY 10 0 53.165188 -1.411946
S45 9JB 1 1 53.166006 -1.415359
S45 9JD 1 1 53.166633 -1.414842
S45 9JE 56 43 53.166667 -1.414467
S45 9JF 62 0 53.170103 -1.400734
S45 9JG 8 0 53.167382 -1.412126