all postcodes in S45 / CHESTERFIELD

find any address or company within the S45 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S45 9JH 32 0 53.166162 -1.410736
S45 9JJ 1 0 53.165917 -1.410231
S45 9JL 7 2 53.166374 -1.411704
S45 9JN 22 2 53.16532 -1.412915
S45 9JP 6 1 53.164121 -1.412228
S45 9JQ 22 7 53.166723 -1.411432
S45 9JR 20 7 53.163721 -1.413161
S45 9JS 22 3 53.163506 -1.413403
S45 9JT 34 0 53.163791 -1.410976
S45 9JU 32 1 53.164312 -1.409174
S45 9JW 50 23 53.169417 -1.398335
S45 9JX 32 0 53.165065 -1.4087
S45 9JY 5 0 53.166075 -1.409601
S45 9JZ 14 0 53.165792 -1.408677
S45 9LA 20 0 53.166642 -1.409501
S45 9LB 13 0 53.165135 -1.410076
S45 9LD 42 0 53.16513 -1.410928
S45 9LE 19 0 53.164667 -1.411953
S45 9LF 10 0 53.164231 -1.412931
S45 9LG 6 0 53.164018 -1.413443