all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 1HZ 18 0 53.237113 -1.458427
S40 1JA 12 0 53.237589 -1.45415
S40 1JB 32 0 53.236348 -1.460099
S40 1JD 41 0 53.238001 -1.459959
S40 1JE 30 0 53.237641 -1.457821
S40 1JF 1 1 53.237185 -1.4333
S40 1JN 8 5 53.236146 -1.430211
S40 1JP 11 0 53.236935 -1.429766
S40 1JR 2 2 53.237479 -1.430688
S40 1JS 10 8 53.237645 -1.429726
S40 1JW 10 10 53.236046 -1.429912
S40 1JY 21 7 53.23818 -1.430558
S40 1LA 2 2 53.237749 -1.430819
S40 1LB 6 0 53.238128 -1.4311
S40 1LD 1 1 53.237805 -1.431239
S40 1LE 1 1 53.238032 -1.433573
S40 1LG 10 6 53.2377 -1.433681
S40 1LH 1 1 53.237388 -1.434301
S40 1LJ 21 2 53.236981 -1.433842
S40 1LL 8 1 53.237114 -1.435263