all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 1RB 18 10 53.235385 -1.427136
S40 1RE 6 6 53.23607 -1.427561
S40 1RF 18 6 53.236289 -1.428021
S40 1RL 12 9 53.236509 -1.427119
S40 1RP 5 4 53.236999 -1.42623
S40 1RQ 16 13 53.236147 -1.426631
S40 1RR 13 8 53.235975 -1.426379
S40 1RS 7 6 53.235768 -1.426441
S40 1RX 3 3 53.235643 -1.426668
S40 1RZ 18 0 53.236289 -1.457134
S40 1SA 17 9 53.235451 -1.42577
S40 1SB 1 1 53.235628 -1.425365
S40 1SF 1 1 53.2356 -1.424959
S40 1SG 1 1 53.234924 -1.4247
S40 1SH 8 6 53.234028 -1.427003
S40 1SZ 25 6 53.23376 -1.427471
S40 1TA 1 1 53.233663 -1.429585
S40 1TB 11 10 53.232783 -1.428038
S40 1TE 1 1 53.236239 -1.428997
S40 1TF 1 1 53.234116 -1.424754