all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 1NW 17 1 53.236953 -1.437303
S40 1NX 3 0 53.23697 -1.448645
S40 1PA 18 14 53.234866 -1.429299
S40 1PB 20 15 53.235192 -1.429894
S40 1PF 21 16 53.234858 -1.427606
S40 1PH 1 1 53.235852 -1.430664
S40 1PJ 5 5 53.235579 -1.428167
S40 1PN 1 1 53.235353 -1.428065
S40 1PQ 4 4 53.235209 -1.427706
S40 1PS 9 8 53.235892 -1.427953
S40 1PT 6 4 53.235559 -1.427761
S40 1PX 6 5 53.235379 -1.427735
S40 1PY 21 19 53.234732 -1.425916
S40 1QA 1 1 53.236079 -1.429313
S40 1QJ 1 1 53.234348 -1.430161
S40 1QN 1 1 53.234571 -1.428016
S40 1QP 1 1 53.234014 -1.425924
S40 1QR 3 1 53.234185 -1.428111
S40 1QU 1 1 53.233684 -1.428356
S40 1QX 10 6 53.234541 -1.427312