all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 1LN 16 3 53.236797 -1.434893
S40 1LP 1 1 53.236731 -1.432347
S40 1LQ 10 9 53.237523 -1.434298
S40 1LR 2 2 53.236459 -1.429847
S40 1LU 20 0 53.236104 -1.434602
S40 1LW 9 4 53.236728 -1.433605
S40 1LX 16 0 53.236252 -1.435529
S40 1LY 28 1 53.236615 -1.436289
S40 1LZ 5 0 53.23611 -1.435981
S40 1NA 18 0 53.236846 -1.435791
S40 1NB 6 0 53.237461 -1.436398
S40 1ND 28 2 53.237709 -1.435614
S40 1NE 11 5 53.237921 -1.434908
S40 1NF 3 3 53.238182 -1.434874
S40 1NG 10 7 53.238198 -1.436297
S40 1NH 6 4 53.238328 -1.435517
S40 1NJ 32 3 53.23786 -1.437156
S40 1NL 28 2 53.237415 -1.438151
S40 1NN 35 1 53.236627 -1.436963
S40 1NP 44 1 53.237065 -1.438291