all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2HA 5 3 53.217041 -1.425718
S40 2HD 43 1 53.218894 -1.429436
S40 2HE 8 0 53.218496 -1.429233
S40 2HF 30 0 53.219166 -1.437911
S40 2HG 10 0 53.218945 -1.436745
S40 2HH 20 0 53.218392 -1.437561
S40 2HJ 28 0 53.216474 -1.438799
S40 2HL 4 0 53.220092 -1.434169
S40 2HN 18 0 53.219942 -1.434695
S40 2HP 34 2 53.21967 -1.436077
S40 2HQ 37 0 53.216343 -1.437602
S40 2HR 10 0 53.219063 -1.435171
S40 2HS 8 0 53.218676 -1.434937
S40 2HT 54 0 53.219275 -1.43427
S40 2HU 54 0 53.21848 -1.433546
S40 2HW 12 0 53.219608 -1.43437
S40 2HX 12 0 53.218101 -1.433147
S40 2HY 6 0 53.21825 -1.434313
S40 2HZ 5 0 53.217753 -1.433631
S40 2JA 18 0 53.217654 -1.435609