all postcodes in S4 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S4 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S40 2AJ 4 0 53.235776 -1.439401
S40 2AL 8 6 53.235334 -1.440814
S40 2AN 2 2 53.234765 -1.44217
S40 2AP 31 10 53.235062 -1.442301
S40 2AQ 8 6 53.235228 -1.439573
S40 2AR 23 7 53.234269 -1.44393
S40 2AT 15 1 53.233837 -1.445734
S40 2AU 4 2 53.234372 -1.444587
S40 2AX 53 0 53.234009 -1.442091
S40 2AY 32 0 53.233888 -1.443231
S40 2AZ 4 0 53.234537 -1.44544
S40 2BA 20 11 53.234063 -1.446015
S40 2BD 1 1 53.234169 -1.44558
S40 2BE 4 0 53.23361 -1.445302
S40 2BG 5 0 53.233353 -1.445995
S40 2BH 4 3 53.233329 -1.448511
S40 2BJ 1 1 53.233482 -1.446742
S40 2BL 13 11 53.233765 -1.447667
S40 2BQ 4 0 53.234375 -1.447284
S40 2FW 2 1 53.23328 -1.447643