all postcodes in S66 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S66 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S66 8QW 0 53.430735 -1.217293
S66 8QX 0 53.427853 -1.216548
S66 8QY 18 53.431846 -1.243056
S66 8QZ 0 53.428405 -1.218464
S66 8RA 0 53.427758 -1.219801
S66 8RB 0 53.422557 -1.223116
S66 8RD 0 53.422634 -1.222513
S66 8RE 0 53.433386 -1.214595
S66 8RF 0 53.432053 -1.216922
S66 8RG 0 53.429075 -1.221989
S66 8RH 3 53.430012 -1.21267
S66 8RJ 0 53.433016 -1.216995
S66 8RL 0 53.429809 -1.221509
S66 8RN 0 53.428323 -1.221024
S66 8RP 0 53.429936 -1.220257
S66 8RQ 0 53.429042 -1.219612
S66 8RR 0 53.428522 -1.219772
S66 8RS 0 53.430219 -1.218235
S66 8RT 0 53.431299 -1.222595
S66 8RW 4 53.425877 -1.239068