all postcodes in S66 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S66 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S66 8PT 0 53.413934 -1.246623
S66 8PU 0 53.420139 -1.245656
S66 8PW 1 53.407604 -1.233362
S66 8PX 0 53.422393 -1.248084
S66 8PY 0 53.42211 -1.247457
S66 8QA 0 53.419136 -1.214105
S66 8QD 1 53.432949 -1.242976
S66 8QE 0 53.43189 -1.213915
S66 8QF 0 53.428082 -1.224099
S66 8QG 0 53.43174 -1.215799
S66 8QH 0 53.431205 -1.216381
S66 8QJ 0 53.431518 -1.21326
S66 8QL 7 53.424407 -1.246574
S66 8QN 7 53.428604 -1.243565
S66 8QP 0 53.427525 -1.217246
S66 8QQ 0 53.429154 -1.217517
S66 8QR 0 53.43037 -1.215177
S66 8QS 0 53.428275 -1.217865
S66 8QT 0 53.429853 -1.217143
S66 8QU 0 53.429339 -1.215573