all postcodes in S66 / ROTHERHAM

find any address or company within the S66 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S66 8JH 0 53.426282 -1.205892
S66 8JJ 0 53.426856 -1.2071
S66 8JL 0 53.426918 -1.205654
S66 8JN 1 53.42751 -1.205448
S66 8JP 0 53.429493 -1.204869
S66 8JQ 0 53.425032 -1.207179
S66 8JR 0 53.428656 -1.204764
S66 8JS 0 53.428496 -1.203623
S66 8JT 2 53.429553 -1.20711
S66 8JU 0 53.425243 -1.207792
S66 8JW 0 53.428435 -1.206679
S66 8JX 1 53.421424 -1.20672
S66 8JZ 0 53.432747 -1.212981
S66 8LA 18 53.423414 -1.201597
S66 8LB 3 53.424664 -1.241633
S66 8LD 1 53.423267 -1.202728
S66 8LF 1 53.423311 -1.203615
S66 8LG 12 53.423035 -1.201543
S66 8LH 6 53.422643 -1.204621
S66 8LJ 0 53.422627 -1.206441