all postcodes in S66 / ROTHERHAM

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Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S66 8HF 0 53.421598 -1.236105
S66 8HG 0 53.420935 -1.239352
S66 8HH 0 53.421213 -1.239136
S66 8HJ 0 53.421279 -1.241031
S66 8HL 0 53.422188 -1.24121
S66 8HN 10 53.428729 -1.237844
S66 8LU 1 53.424445 -1.236987
S66 8HP 0 53.43247 -1.214717
S66 8HQ 0 53.421644 -1.239083
S66 8HR 13 53.425642 -1.243075
S66 8HS 0 53.427998 -1.213987
S66 8HT 0 53.427345 -1.21445
S66 8HW 0 53.429051 -1.212824
S66 8HX 5 53.421856 -1.205372
S66 8HZ 0 53.429298 -1.213466
S66 8JB 7 53.42176 -1.20694
S66 8JD 4 53.422231 -1.20365
S66 8JE 3 53.423549 -1.204348
S66 8JF 0 53.425162 -1.2051
S66 8JG 0 53.425539 -1.206342