all postcodes in S80 / WORKSOP

find any address or company within the S80 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S80 4RT 14 5 53.283465 -1.20512
S80 4RU 1 0 53.283699 -1.205131
S80 4RW 5 0 53.28528 -1.210953
S80 4RX 5 0 53.284202 -1.204313
S80 4RZ 10 0 53.284186 -1.204658
S80 4SA 31 1 53.284741 -1.202863
S80 4SB 2 1 53.278725 -1.204638
S80 4SD 22 1 53.285363 -1.204486
S80 4SE 31 0 53.285237 -1.200454
S80 4SF 38 0 53.284935 -1.199694
S80 4SG 34 0 53.285514 -1.200268
S80 4SH 12 0 53.285945 -1.201445
S80 4SJ 16 0 53.286249 -1.20258
S80 4SL 5 0 53.286236 -1.20327
S80 4SN 14 0 53.286546 -1.203924
S80 4SP 6 0 53.286997 -1.205566
S80 4SQ 2 0 53.285899 -1.202105
S80 4SR 10 0 53.287103 -1.205249
S80 4SS 5 0 53.286633 -1.206173
S80 4ST 8 0 53.287269 -1.205846