all postcodes in S80 / WORKSOP

find any address or company within the S80 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S80 4SW 10 0 53.286313 -1.205399
S80 4SX 11 0 53.261106 -1.229807
S80 4SY 22 0 53.28565 -1.20784
S80 4TA 12 0 53.28062 -1.200403
S80 4TB 9 0 53.284864 -1.205215
S80 4TD 9 0 53.281104 -1.203365
S80 4TE 16 3 53.284387 -1.203078
S80 4TF 17 1 53.284061 -1.202065
S80 4TG 27 0 53.284396 -1.201009
S80 4TH 24 0 53.284218 -1.199978
S80 4TJ 6 0 53.283692 -1.200031
S80 4TL 29 0 53.284059 -1.199036
S80 4TN 10 0 53.283522 -1.198834
S80 4TP 30 3 53.283457 -1.200382
S80 4TQ 3 1 53.28381 -1.200765
S80 4TR 25 0 53.282778 -1.198415
S80 4TS 19 0 53.280912 -1.200294
S80 4TT 5 0 53.281213 -1.202268
S80 4UJ 2 0 53.279871 -1.201242
S80 4TU 4 0 53.281629 -1.202094