all postcodes in S9 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S9 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S9 3WA 44 0 53.390058 -1.425799
S9 3WB 19 0 53.390159 -1.424444
S9 3WD 1 1 53.395483 -1.432388
S9 3WF 2 0 53.389569 -1.425114
S9 3WG 11 4 53.393798 -1.433418
S9 3WJ 10 0 53.389873 -1.422824
S9 3WL 4 2 53.394961 -1.434245
S9 3WP 3 3 53.39311 -1.434359
S9 3WR 6 2 53.393296 -1.43559
S9 3WS 1 1 53.393582 -1.437105
S9 3WU 3 1 53.392126 -1.437214
S9 3WZ 4 2 53.394453 -1.436973
S9 3XB 1 1 53.392186 -1.436567
S9 3XG 10 10 53.393273 -1.438297
S9 3XH 1 1 53.394622 -1.440445
S9 3XL 2 2 53.392107 -1.438974
S9 3XN 10 9 53.393498 -1.440444
S9 3XR 1 1 53.391488 -1.439208
S9 3XU 9 8 53.391919 -1.441066
S9 3XW 7 6 53.392183 -1.441635