all postcodes in S9 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S9 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S9 3RQ 11 6 53.394837 -1.430757
S9 3RS 9 6 53.395819 -1.429376
S9 3SA 1 1 53.3927 -1.433132
S9 3SE 8 8 53.393271 -1.426553
S9 3SH 1 1 53.392815 -1.432679
S9 3SJ 3 1 53.393208 -1.432283
S9 3SP 6 3 53.392517 -1.430668
S9 3SQ 6 0 53.393182 -1.430509
S9 3SY 33 0 53.39392 -1.4288
S9 3SZ 14 0 53.393503 -1.430038
S9 3TA 6 1 53.39398 -1.430107
S9 3TE 8 2 53.39439 -1.429485
S9 3TG 2 2 53.395039 -1.428003
S9 3TJ 5 2 53.395065 -1.429521
S9 3TN 11 4 53.394635 -1.427948
S9 3TR 2 2 53.395718 -1.428986
S9 3TW 1 1 53.394772 -1.430382
S9 3TY 10 9 53.395994 -1.428336
S9 3UH 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295
S9 3UJ 1 1 53.381455 -1.464295