all postcodes in SA67 / KILGETTY

find any address or company within the SA67 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA67 7DL 8 0 51.800584 -4.739419
SA67 7DN 15 0 51.800608 -4.736562
SA67 7DP 23 2 51.800896 -4.736464
SA67 7DQ 29 0 51.802263 -4.738896
SA67 7DR 6 0 51.799487 -4.739033
SA67 7DS 6 0 51.799668 -4.738304
SA67 7DT 11 0 51.799202 -4.737739
SA67 7DU 10 5 51.79869 -4.73501
SA67 7DW 33 0 51.801876 -4.743037
SA67 7DX 7 0 51.799323 -4.736165
SA67 7DY 14 0 51.798769 -4.739076
SA67 7DZ 14 0 51.797414 -4.741547
SA67 7EA 10 0 51.798733 -4.738305
SA67 7EB 26 0 51.798369 -4.738124
SA67 7ED 20 0 51.798976 -4.742817
SA67 7EE 16 0 51.802303 -4.746036
SA67 7EF 7 0 51.803636 -4.74545
SA67 7EG 16 0 51.823226 -4.676327
SA67 7EH 2 0 51.822407 -4.663012
SA67 7EJ 4 0 51.819181 -4.664376