all postcodes in SA67 / KILGETTY

find any address or company within the SA67 postcode district

Postcode Area

SA / Swansea

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SA67 7EL 7 0 51.818696 -4.680557
SA67 7EN 1 1 51.79998 -4.743458
SA67 7EP 12 0 51.801922 -4.744142
SA67 7EQ 5 0 51.822817 -4.665825
SA67 7ES 67 16 51.806585 -4.742031
SA67 7EX 5 0 51.811886 -4.745328
SA67 7EY 5 0 51.819449 -4.737995
SA67 7EZ 30 0 51.803056 -4.744878
SA67 7FD 25 0 51.798587 -4.736368
SA67 7NX 21 0 51.809803 -4.727776
SA67 7NY 9 0 51.81747 -4.716718
SA67 7NZ 3 0 51.813896 -4.707507
SA67 7PA 28 1 51.820195 -4.694069
SA67 7PB 8 0 51.81833 -4.68634
SA67 7PD 7 2 51.818532 -4.68471
SA67 7PE 8 0 51.832012 -4.683175
SA67 7PG 20 0 51.820682 -4.688626
SA67 7PH 3 0 51.837043 -4.685262
SA67 7PJ 1 0 51.831517 -4.695253
SA67 7PL 20 0 51.818084 -4.685309