all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 2BE 15 0 51.798066 -0.096376
SG14 2BG 22 0 51.797828 -0.094428
SG14 2BJ 5 0 51.796976 -0.096799
SG14 2BL 14 0 51.796944 -0.095393
SG14 2BN 11 0 51.796345 -0.096695
SG14 2BP 1 0 51.799277 -0.094541
SG14 2BQ 21 0 51.797499 -0.094659
SG14 2BS 27 0 51.799646 -0.094003
SG14 2BT 34 0 51.800485 -0.094722
SG14 2BU 29 2 51.800793 -0.093723
SG14 2BW 31 0 51.796009 -0.096491
SG14 2BX 1 0 51.801677 -0.097253
SG14 2BY 1 0 51.802225 -0.094997
SG14 2BZ 31 0 51.802766 -0.094524
SG14 2DD 1 1 51.795734 -0.072981
SG14 2DE 21 0 51.797655 -0.097611
SG14 2DF 21 1 51.797628 -0.098221
SG14 2DG 2 1 51.798951 -0.102895
SG14 2FH 11 0 51.799646 -0.101372
SG14 2DJ 17 7 51.800204 -0.101246