all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 2DL 5 0 51.800186 -0.100666
SG14 2DN 45 0 51.799262 -0.099734
SG14 2DP 68 0 51.79981 -0.099116
SG14 2DQ 1 1 51.799376 -0.101759
SG14 2DR 40 0 51.800955 -0.100388
SG14 2DS 20 0 51.801378 -0.099311
SG14 2DT 30 1 51.802285 -0.100346
SG14 2DU 33 0 51.803046 -0.100184
SG14 2DW 12 0 51.799701 -0.099614
SG14 2DX 23 0 51.802917 -0.099435
SG14 2DY 34 1 51.801058 -0.098976
SG14 2DZ 32 1 51.7994 -0.098219
SG14 2EA 18 0 51.799431 -0.09684
SG14 2EB 27 0 51.7993 -0.096469
SG14 2ED 14 0 51.799083 -0.095332
SG14 2EF 28 0 51.799845 -0.09575
SG14 2EH 58 0 51.797366 -0.103671
SG14 2EJ 38 0 51.803746 -0.102867
SG14 2EL 9 0 51.803009 -0.102303
SG14 2EN 37 1 51.802864 -0.103904