all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 2QS 3 0 51.830535 -0.116518
SG14 2QT 6 1 51.825876 -0.121934
SG14 2QW 30 0 51.82559 -0.125429
SG14 2RA 8 0 51.821751 -0.09857
SG14 2RB 3 1 51.83874 -0.117204
SG14 2BF 2 0 51.826833 -0.103233
SG14 2RF 1 0 51.821562 -0.098012
SG14 2RH 3 0 51.846919 -0.121598
SG14 2RJ 4 1 51.85152 -0.121244
SG14 2RL 1 0 51.865994 -0.144287
SG14 2RN 5 1 51.860574 -0.132514
SG14 2SB 4 0 51.793017 -0.106145
SG14 2SD 10 0 51.79321 -0.106398
SG14 2TA 20 1 51.795573 -0.104007
SG14 2TB 48 0 51.795939 -0.103325
SG14 2TD 24 0 51.796553 -0.103444
SG14 2TE 34 0 51.795781 -0.101852
SG14 2TG 26 0 51.795358 -0.102421
SG14 2TH 59 0 51.795456 -0.100111
SG14 2TL 14 0 51.804766 -0.104796