all postcodes in SG14 / HERTFORD

find any address or company within the SG14 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG14 2EP 11 1 51.802201 -0.104599
SG14 2ER 32 0 51.800888 -0.10406
SG14 2EU 19 0 51.800726 -0.105735
SG14 2EW 16 0 51.803347 -0.104334
SG14 2EX 41 0 51.801355 -0.107927
SG14 2EY 29 0 51.801774 -0.107127
SG14 2EZ 23 0 51.802047 -0.106767
SG14 2FT 1 1 51.795734 -0.072981
SG14 2HA 24 0 51.802496 -0.106226
SG14 2HB 30 0 51.803286 -0.106686
SG14 2HD 59 0 51.8035 -0.107112
SG14 2HE 23 0 51.80297 -0.108266
SG14 2HF 13 0 51.802448 -0.109332
SG14 2HG 4 0 51.80154 -0.109921
SG14 2HH 44 0 51.80178 -0.109186
SG14 2HJ 12 0 51.801944 -0.11047
SG14 2HL 40 0 51.802886 -0.109778
SG14 2HN 14 0 51.803725 -0.104913
SG14 2HP 24 0 51.804682 -0.101246
SG14 2HQ 3 0 51.801706 -0.110755