all postcodes in SG19 / SANDY

find any address or company within the SG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG19 1RS 8 8 52.139024 -0.287443
SG19 1RT 3 0 52.119788 -0.291781
SG19 1RU 7 0 52.119759 -0.291679
SG19 1RW 10 9 52.136901 -0.283067
SG19 1RZ 4 4 52.142305 -0.285132
SG19 1SA 28 21 52.141374 -0.28356
SG19 1SB 11 9 52.13502 -0.28379
SG19 1SD 5 5 52.144551 -0.286229
SG19 1TA 13 0 52.138041 -0.294312
SG19 1TB 9 0 52.138117 -0.29333
SG19 1TD 9 0 52.138913 -0.294264
SG19 1TE 10 0 52.139408 -0.293675
SG19 1TF 14 0 52.137217 -0.294489
SG19 1TG 6 0 52.139036 -0.293485
SG19 1TH 14 1 52.137808 -0.292479
SG19 1TJ 7 0 52.138146 -0.292846
SG19 1TL 14 0 52.137347 -0.292921
SG19 1TN 11 0 52.136585 -0.294324
SG19 1TP 15 0 52.13338 -0.295337
SG19 1TQ 32 0 52.136988 -0.293592