all postcodes in SG19 / SANDY

find any address or company within the SG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG19 1QA 9 0 52.120054 -0.294633
SG19 1QB 3 0 52.131573 -0.284171
SG19 1QD 26 0 52.134328 -0.294307
SG19 1QJ 29 1 52.132153 -0.286968
SG19 1QL 8 0 52.133101 -0.287809
SG19 1QN 22 0 52.13274 -0.293316
SG19 1QP 17 0 52.133334 -0.287201
SG19 1QR 43 0 52.133494 -0.285792
SG19 1QS 18 0 52.132553 -0.286018
SG19 1QT 21 0 52.131906 -0.286043
SG19 1QU 32 0 52.132744 -0.284316
SG19 1QX 20 0 52.131749 -0.285128
SG19 1QY 7 7 52.136215 -0.284343
SG19 1RB 39 30 52.14314 -0.284888
SG19 1RG 45 0 52.135576 -0.291133
SG19 1RH 37 0 52.135561 -0.290038
SG19 1RJ 40 0 52.136543 -0.290804
SG19 1RL 45 0 52.135959 -0.288999
SG19 1RP 16 0 52.136773 -0.289918
SG19 1RQ 82 0 52.135118 -0.288637