all postcodes in SG19 / SANDY

find any address or company within the SG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG19 1NU 10 0 52.1141 -0.283965
SG19 1NX 8 4 52.119053 -0.285732
SG19 1NZ 5 2 52.113983 -0.285255
SG19 1PA 37 0 52.120257 -0.291894
SG19 1PB 3 1 52.118108 -0.288623
SG19 1PD 4 1 52.120193 -0.295519
SG19 1PE 9 0 52.118872 -0.293086
SG19 1PF 18 0 52.11803 -0.293966
SG19 1PG 7 2 52.120597 -0.297205
SG19 1PH 13 0 52.118477 -0.291933
SG19 1PJ 32 1 52.11838 -0.290184
SG19 1PL 22 0 52.120867 -0.294894
SG19 1PP 8 0 52.116366 -0.307043
SG19 1PQ 27 0 52.120003 -0.293569
SG19 1PR 7 3 52.109045 -0.304356
SG19 1PS 8 1 52.115802 -0.310292
SG19 1PT 8 0 52.117609 -0.31091
SG19 1PU 25 2 52.115833 -0.317337
SG19 1PX 4 0 52.116944 -0.331164
SG19 1PY 3 0 52.119728 -0.296939