all postcodes in SG19 / SANDY

find any address or company within the SG19 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG19 1HG 0 52.128852 -0.294926
SG19 1HH 0 52.129875 -0.29981
SG19 1HJ 0 52.12571 -0.293409
SG19 1HL 0 52.125896 -0.291386
SG19 1HN 0 52.127482 -0.290332
SG19 1HP 0 52.126448 -0.291
SG19 1HQ 2 52.129725 -0.293738
SG19 1HR 0 52.130452 -0.297823
SG19 1HS 0 52.132041 -0.298486
SG19 1HT 4 52.128965 -0.287222
SG19 1HU 14 52.129505 -0.287661
SG19 1HW 0 52.126756 -0.292376
SG19 1HX 0 52.129779 -0.288199
SG19 1HY 0 52.128816 -0.296812
SG19 1JA 10 52.12915 -0.288807
SG19 1JB 5 52.128245 -0.288192
SG19 1JD 1 52.126939 -0.288878
SG19 1JE 2 52.129404 -0.286489
SG19 1JF 0 52.129646 -0.284427
SG19 1JG 0 52.130826 -0.284711