all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

find any address or company within the SG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 5DW 5 0 52.000495 -0.194044
SG7 5DX 30 0 52.003911 -0.162569
SG7 5DY 6 0 52.010945 -0.160388
SG7 5DZ 6 0 52.011893 -0.160653
SG7 5EA 7 0 52.011892 -0.160041
SG7 5EB 4 0 52.012379 -0.16065
SG7 5EE 7 3 52.010252 -0.15861
SG7 5EF 1 0 52.00883 -0.157428
SG7 5EG 1 0 52.009444 -0.155902
SG7 5EH 6 0 52.050302 -0.198749
SG7 5EJ 11 0 52.037451 -0.130021
SG7 5EL 5 0 52.037338 -0.130318
SG7 5EN 1 0 52.009585 -0.201608
SG7 5EP 6 0 52.007882 -0.203672
SG7 5EQ 1 0 52.008 -0.151546
SG7 5ER 3 0 52.007427 -0.203924
SG7 5ES 17 1 52.00745 -0.206645
SG7 5ET 7 0 52.006663 -0.211091
SG7 5EU 11 2 52.018953 -0.202147
SG7 5EW 3 0 52.00777 -0.202876