all postcodes in SG7 / BALDOCK

find any address or company within the SG7 postcode district

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG7 5HY 3 0 52.040448 -0.169163
SG7 5HZ 9 0 52.043956 -0.174899
SG7 5JB 1 0 52.048358 -0.170138
SG7 5JD 1 0 52.047669 -0.16734
SG7 5JE 1 0 52.049376 -0.169702
SG7 5JF 3 0 52.052982 -0.163257
SG7 5JG 3 0 52.06546 -0.160277
SG7 5JH 2 0 52.07371 -0.156993
SG7 5JL 2 0 52.081188 -0.167763
SG7 5JN 12 0 52.037179 -0.129333
SG7 5JQ 2 0 52.066712 -0.159163
SG7 5JU 3 0 52.027137 -0.179899
SG7 5JX 18 1 52.021754 -0.185918
SG7 5JY 8 0 52.021458 -0.18714
SG7 5JZ 3 0 52.02176 -0.188629
SG7 5LA 12 2 52.022541 -0.190317
SG7 5LB 3 0 52.023476 -0.190352
SG7 5LD 3 0 52.030053 -0.197595
SG7 5LE 6 2 52.032754 -0.197267
SG7 5LG 1 1 52.044413 -0.147303