all postcodes in SG / Stevenage

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District

SG / Stevenage

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG1 2JH 18 0 51.912665 -0.226722
SG1 2JJ 15 0 51.913588 -0.226468
SG1 2JL 24 0 51.914171 -0.226416
SG1 2JN 34 1 51.913671 -0.22248
SG1 2JP 9 0 51.922413 -0.221975
SG1 2JQ 44 0 51.91689 -0.224825
SG1 2JR 50 0 51.921194 -0.221616
SG1 2JS 23 0 51.921071 -0.22074
SG1 2JT 13 0 51.920383 -0.220936
SG1 2JU 18 0 51.91948 -0.22007
SG1 2JW 15 11 51.91302 -0.22159
SG1 2JX 7 0 51.908542 -0.225213
SG1 2JY 1 1 51.897438 -0.205709
SG1 2JZ 11 0 51.919429 -0.219112
SG1 2LA 18 0 51.919176 -0.219006
SG1 2LB 10 0 51.918292 -0.219433
SG1 2LD 39 0 51.916063 -0.223069
SG1 2LE 66 0 51.915478 -0.221813
SG1 2LF 48 0 51.914393 -0.223223
SG1 2LG 34 0 51.914917 -0.223973