all postcodes in SG / Stevenage

find any address or company within the SG postcode area

Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District

SG / Stevenage

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG1 2LH 60 0 51.912351 -0.224961
SG1 2LJ 48 0 51.911544 -0.225094
SG1 2LL 17 0 51.911064 -0.224392
SG1 2LN 29 0 51.912621 -0.223758
SG1 2LW 64 0 51.912618 -0.223016
SG1 2LX 1 1 51.897086 -0.205743
SG1 2LY 1 0 51.906334 -0.211198
SG1 2NA 34 0 51.905067 -0.211874
SG1 2NE 24 0 51.906618 -0.212879
SG1 2NF 34 0 51.904171 -0.21268
SG1 2NH 84 0 51.907641 -0.211379
SG1 2NJ 76 0 51.907866 -0.215586
SG1 2NP 36 0 51.909055 -0.213344
SG1 2NQ 25 0 51.91238 -0.222124
SG1 2NR 46 0 51.913476 -0.214346
SG1 2NS 33 0 51.909359 -0.213948
SG1 2NT 13 0 51.91176 -0.214429
SG1 2NU 3 3 51.909291 -0.215268
SG1 2NY 1 1 51.896084 -0.203001
SG1 2PA 31 0 51.916043 -0.217588