all postcodes in SG / Stevenage

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Postcode Area

SG / Stevenage

Postcode District

SG / Stevenage

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SG1 2PB 13 1 51.917806 -0.217757
SG1 2PD 8 0 51.916951 -0.216942
SG1 2PE 34 0 51.916608 -0.218089
SG1 2PG 6 0 51.916786 -0.219144
SG1 2PH 19 0 51.917282 -0.219255
SG1 2PJ 3 0 51.916613 -0.219602
SG1 2PL 25 0 51.917612 -0.217969
SG1 2PN 13 0 51.917223 -0.218327
SG1 2PP 5 0 51.917934 -0.219535
SG1 2PQ 6 0 51.916478 -0.216611
SG1 2QA 18 0 51.911983 -0.220343
SG1 2QB 11 0 51.91183 -0.22096
SG1 2QD 7 0 51.911584 -0.222417
SG1 2QE 8 0 51.911114 -0.222218
SG1 2QF 8 0 51.910998 -0.222877
SG1 2QG 8 0 51.910698 -0.223267
SG1 2QH 15 0 51.911462 -0.223222
SG1 2QJ 25 0 51.910639 -0.222368
SG1 2QL 15 0 51.910803 -0.2213
SG1 2QN 5 0 51.911104 -0.220983