all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 0JZ 4 0 53.448837 -1.985461
SK13 0LA 19 0 53.449494 -1.984994
SK13 0LD 3 0 53.450393 -1.98799
SK13 0LE 4 0 53.450231 -1.987689
SK13 0LF 4 0 53.449988 -1.987298
SK13 0LG 6 0 53.449835 -1.987147
SK13 0LH 10 0 53.450545 -1.984497
SK13 0LJ 4 0 53.450662 -1.985295
SK13 0LL 12 0 53.45024 -1.98537
SK13 0LN 7 0 53.450258 -1.984828
SK13 0LP 12 0 53.451067 -1.985159
SK13 0LQ 7 0 53.449638 -1.987057
SK13 0LR 4 0 53.45104 -1.985641
SK13 0LS 10 0 53.450833 -1.985054
SK13 0LU 23 8 53.448361 -1.984965
SK13 0LW 3 0 53.450069 -1.984753
SK13 0DB 0 53.446123 -1.990792
SK13 1AA 40 5 53.461867 -1.96654
SK13 1BW 12 2 53.464799 -1.97205
SK13 1AE 13 0 53.462308 -1.968588