all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 1AH 2 2 53.461838 -1.965558
SK13 1AJ 22 3 53.462407 -1.967789
SK13 1AL 1 1 53.462173 -1.967533
SK13 1AN 1 1 53.462101 -1.967458
SK13 1AR 29 3 53.462801 -1.967621
SK13 1AS 4 0 53.464428 -1.967845
SK13 1AT 27 0 53.463287 -1.967427
SK13 1AU 25 0 53.462802 -1.96925
SK13 1AX 5 0 53.461976 -1.969567
SK13 1AY 1 0 53.462299 -1.97032
SK13 1AZ 6 0 53.462245 -1.969777
SK13 1BA 8 0 53.462766 -1.971175
SK13 1BB 51 0 53.46345 -1.971027
SK13 1BD 16 0 53.465489 -1.966175
SK13 1BE 9 7 53.466487 -1.971263
SK13 1BF 12 0 53.465049 -1.966341
SK13 1BG 4 0 53.463666 -1.971207
SK13 1BH 8 0 53.465418 -1.967365
SK13 1BJ 24 0 53.464131 -1.963932
SK13 1BL 33 0 53.46424 -1.965604