all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 1BN 9 0 53.4645 -1.96482
SK13 1BP 1 1 53.465267 -1.974445
SK13 1BQ 35 2 53.464151 -1.970469
SK13 1BR 15 1 53.465347 -1.971568
SK13 1BS 11 9 53.466947 -1.971868
SK13 1BT 18 0 53.464725 -1.965001
SK13 1BU 9 0 53.467683 -1.970421
SK13 1BX 34 0 53.465517 -1.969338
SK13 1BY 32 1 53.465059 -1.970423
SK13 1BZ 24 1 53.464636 -1.970077
SK13 1DA 20 1 53.464483 -1.969279
SK13 1DB 29 3 53.463872 -1.969114
SK13 1DD 6 0 53.464941 -1.965889
SK13 1DE 31 0 53.465732 -1.965648
SK13 1DF 14 0 53.465255 -1.964579
SK13 1DG 1 1 53.463729 -1.970183
SK13 1DH 27 1 53.463243 -1.96931
SK13 1DJ 1 1 53.463477 -1.970153
SK13 1DL 20 4 53.463503 -1.968541
SK13 1DN 32 0 53.4645 -1.963239