all postcodes in SK13 / GLOSSOP

find any address or company within the SK13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK13 1DP 24 0 53.464492 -1.968465
SK13 1DQ 11 0 53.463818 -1.968345
SK13 1DS 1 1 53.467161 -1.965059
SK13 1DU 3 0 53.462989 -1.961372
SK13 1DW 5 0 53.461758 -1.963045
SK13 1DY 5 0 53.463122 -1.956823
SK13 1DZ 22 0 53.461848 -1.962533
SK13 1EA 4 0 53.46308 -1.965032
SK13 1EB 7 5 53.461982 -1.959973
SK13 1EE 9 0 53.462474 -1.954414
SK13 1EF 56 0 53.462556 -1.95708
SK13 1EG 16 0 53.46261 -1.95821
SK13 1EH 3 0 53.462547 -1.956914
SK13 1EJ 56 0 53.461378 -1.95678
SK13 1EL 9 0 53.461764 -1.955289
SK13 1EN 14 0 53.461144 -1.955003
SK13 1EP 1 0 53.459096 -1.958334
SK13 1EQ 2 1 53.462797 -1.957499
SK13 1ER 10 0 53.46179 -1.952246
SK13 1ES 3 0 53.463463 -1.954248