all postcodes in SK1 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK1 1NF 1 1 53.410738 -2.158746
SK1 1NP 2 1 53.409853 -2.161042
SK1 1NU 8 5 53.409008 -2.161688
SK1 1NX 1 1 53.409641 -2.159027
SK1 1NZ 3 2 53.409658 -2.159026
SK1 1PD 4 1 53.410654 -2.159586
SK1 1PE 5 2 53.410044 -2.159856
SK1 1PJ 10 9 53.412185 -2.159142
SK1 1PL 10 8 53.411147 -2.160957
SK1 1PN 9 9 53.411843 -2.15887
SK1 1PR 5 3 53.410996 -2.159723
SK1 1PT 7 5 53.410923 -2.161589
SK1 1PU 1 1 53.410925 -2.159935
SK1 1PW 8 8 53.411265 -2.159874
SK1 1QE 1 1 53.411177 -2.160026
SK1 1QF 1 1 53.410971 -2.159303
SK1 1QN 10 7 53.410463 -2.161917
SK1 1QW 17 16 53.410285 -2.161482
SK1 1RA 9 9 53.410266 -2.16249
SK1 1RB 3 2 53.410534 -2.162594