all postcodes in SK1 / STOCKPORT

find any address or company within the SK1 postcode district

Postcode Area

SK / Stockport

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SK1 1RE 1 1 53.407561 -2.161562
SK1 1RJ 13 10 53.411174 -2.162222
SK1 1RY 11 8 53.411884 -2.161185
SK1 1RS 6 6 53.411505 -2.161756
SK1 1RW 17 14 53.411058 -2.16171
SK1 1RX 4 3 53.411577 -2.161756
SK1 1SE 12 8 53.412462 -2.159865
SK1 1SL 9 5 53.412246 -2.159502
SK1 1SP 1 1 53.409224 -2.161372
SK1 1SZ 1 1 53.411428 -2.160343
SK1 1TA 12 5 53.413298 -2.158573
SK1 1TS 1 1 53.41074 -2.163635
SK1 1TY 9 5 53.41233 -2.156764
SK1 1UA 1 1 53.412557 -2.156496
SK1 1UB 1 1 53.412988 -2.156828
SK1 1UD 22 13 53.412663 -2.157474
SK1 1WZ 1 0 53.407561 -2.161562
SK1 1XB 1 1 53.412572 -2.158828
SK1 1XJ 2 0 53.413149 -2.155639
SK1 1XR 5 4 53.412086 -2.157621