all postcodes in SN13 / CORSHAM

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN13 9HS 17 2 51.430533 -2.182714
SN13 9HT 10 0 51.428519 -2.183314
SN13 9HX 12 1 51.428482 -2.183976
SN13 9HZ 6 0 51.427136 -2.182589
SN13 9JA 10 1 51.427144 -2.183093
SN13 9JB 10 0 51.426 -2.184196
SN13 9JD 38 4 51.424758 -2.185442
SN13 9JE 12 0 51.423497 -2.186329
SN13 9JF 18 0 51.425737 -2.18582
SN13 9JG 18 0 51.425097 -2.187025
SN13 9JH 39 0 51.424321 -2.188547
SN13 9JL 16 0 51.424446 -2.183672
SN13 9JN 26 0 51.425371 -2.184021
SN13 9JP 14 0 51.423022 -2.185823
SN13 9JQ 41 0 51.425086 -2.187874
SN13 9JR 41 0 51.423473 -2.184833
SN13 9JS 21 0 51.423737 -2.182907
SN13 9JW 42 0 51.423967 -2.185223
SN13 9LA 17 0 51.428104 -2.210364
SN13 9LB 1 1 51.427402 -2.206467