all postcodes in SN13 / CORSHAM

find any address or company within the SN13 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN13 9DS 20 0 51.433246 -2.19605
SN13 9DT 17 0 51.433316 -2.197503
SN13 9DU 17 0 51.43205 -2.196548
SN13 9DW 17 0 51.432861 -2.195314
SN13 9DX 11 0 51.432354 -2.197196
SN13 9ET 5 1 51.418622 -2.212578
SN13 9EU 8 3 51.430467 -2.185537
SN13 9EX 12 0 51.428587 -2.185903
SN13 9EY 27 1 51.427625 -2.186101
SN13 9EZ 11 1 51.426499 -2.187089
SN13 9HA 27 0 51.426264 -2.188123
SN13 9HB 49 8 51.427352 -2.187926
SN13 9HD 6 0 51.427759 -2.186677
SN13 9HE 6 0 51.428629 -2.187615
SN13 9HG 4 0 51.428333 -2.187729
SN13 9HH 13 0 51.42822 -2.18501
SN13 9HJ 39 1 51.429367 -2.187532
SN13 9HP 2 0 51.414748 -2.167725
SN13 9HQ 21 0 51.428082 -2.186736
SN13 9HR 5 1 51.430746 -2.1847