all postcodes in SN25 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN25 1PU 19 0 51.590253 -1.80185
SN25 1PW 13 0 51.587021 -1.804895
SN25 1PX 45 0 51.590346 -1.803871
SN25 1QH 29 0 51.591116 -1.807418
SN25 1QJ 50 0 51.591366 -1.811603
SN25 1QL 22 0 51.592337 -1.806143
SN25 1QN 49 0 51.591471 -1.810217
SN25 1QP 55 0 51.593588 -1.806859
SN25 1QQ 12 5 51.592341 -1.807748
SN25 1QR 12 0 51.594369 -1.806048
SN25 1QS 50 0 51.594158 -1.809513
SN25 1QT 5 0 51.593881 -1.810222
SN25 1QU 7 0 51.594581 -1.809309
SN25 1QW 30 0 51.591892 -1.809147
SN25 1QX 26 0 51.593914 -1.808605
SN25 1QY 64 0 51.593233 -1.815609
SN25 1RA 60 0 51.588396 -1.804644
SN25 1RH 29 0 51.588869 -1.813548
SN25 1RJ 8 0 51.589001 -1.812046
SN25 1RL 29 0 51.588174 -1.811876