all postcodes in SN25 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN25 1TB 14 0 51.591771 -1.823511
SN25 1TD 6 0 51.591924 -1.824044
SN25 1TE 18 0 51.592093 -1.822427
SN25 1UA 17 0 51.594493 -1.822288
SN25 1UD 22 0 51.59331 -1.824992
SN25 1UE 20 0 51.595771 -1.822889
SN25 1UF 12 0 51.593783 -1.822536
SN25 1UH 31 7 51.594371 -1.824641
SN25 1UN 17 0 51.594903 -1.808268
SN25 1UP 34 0 51.595536 -1.810807
SN25 1UR 31 0 51.596436 -1.81112
SN25 1UU 4 0 51.596453 -1.810384
SN25 1UW 20 0 51.595478 -1.808179
SN25 1UX 6 0 51.595147 -1.809148
SN25 1UY 9 0 51.595517 -1.810114
SN25 1WA 37 0 51.594429 -1.82773
SN25 1WB 28 0 51.593753 -1.826333
SN25 1WD 28 0 51.593815 -1.825899
SN25 1WG 20 0 51.592441 -1.826929
SN25 1WH 20 0 51.591147 -1.82767