all postcodes in SN25 / SWINDON

find any address or company within the SN25 postcode district

Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN25 1AB 24 0 51.595228 -1.82676
SN25 1AH 53 0 51.595721 -1.82543
SN25 1AJ 18 0 51.595257 -1.827915
SN25 1AL 9 0 51.595308 -1.826038
SN25 1AN 6 0 51.594797 -1.826848
SN25 1AP 23 0 51.595812 -1.826339
SN25 1AR 39 0 51.598495 -1.811487
SN25 1AS 48 0 51.597983 -1.811692
SN25 1AD 36 0 51.594086 -1.820672
SN25 1BD 53 0 51.592567 -1.821184
SN25 1AY 9 0 51.593162 -1.822307
SN25 1AZ 9 0 51.59345 -1.822378
SN25 1BE 15 0 51.597256 -1.823879
SN25 1BH 7 0 51.596437 -1.823262
SN25 1BJ 19 0 51.597138 -1.822898
SN25 1BB 23 0 51.599059 -1.820855
SN25 1BF 33 0 51.599328 -1.820551
SN25 1XJ 0 51.598559 -1.823297
SN25 1XH 0 51.59863 -1.82295
SN25 1XG 0 51.598415 -1.823485