all postcodes in SN25 / SWINDON

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN25 1RN 23 0 51.589847 -1.8121
SN25 1RP 42 0 51.590539 -1.81217
SN25 1RQ 3 0 51.588506 -1.811399
SN25 1RR 21 0 51.593713 -1.812272
SN25 1RS 29 0 51.593982 -1.811506
SN25 1RT 34 0 51.589135 -1.811035
SN25 1RU 36 0 51.589736 -1.81047
SN25 1RW 58 0 51.589787 -1.814223
SN25 1RX 5 0 51.59224 -1.812957
SN25 1RY 46 1 51.590293 -1.809905
SN25 1RZ 19 0 51.591513 -1.813869
SN25 1SA 66 0 51.591443 -1.815039
SN25 1SB 8 0 51.594362 -1.812919
SN25 1SD 25 0 51.594433 -1.812269
SN25 1SE 22 0 51.594665 -1.811532
SN25 1SG 25 0 51.592736 -1.813778
SN25 1SH 10 0 51.592396 -1.814862
SN25 1SJ 6 0 51.59193 -1.815874
SN25 1SN 4 0 51.589532 -1.806386
SN25 1SQ 23 0 51.592906 -1.813387