all postcodes in SN8 / PEWSEY

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Postcode Area

SN / Swindon

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
SN8 2QQ 4 0 51.442245 -1.611605
SN8 2QR 15 0 51.444247 -1.610508
SN8 2QS 4 0 51.442357 -1.604813
SN8 2QT 1 1 51.446259 -1.593915
SN8 2QU 6 0 51.442432 -1.608236
SN8 2QW 27 0 51.443923 -1.605202
SN8 2QX 11 0 51.442804 -1.609184
SN8 2QY 7 0 51.442695 -1.611774
SN8 2QZ 29 0 51.443667 -1.61178
SN8 2RA 45 0 51.44385 -1.612872
SN8 2RB 7 2 51.443214 -1.613668
SN8 2RD 1 0 51.442014 -1.612484
SN8 2RE 8 0 51.441052 -1.612305
SN8 2RF 11 0 51.436286 -1.62328
SN8 2RG 10 0 51.439526 -1.629712
SN8 2RJ 10 0 51.445145 -1.599594
SN8 2RL 6 0 51.445439 -1.598714
SN8 2RN 1 1 51.420519 -1.721187
SN8 2RP 7 0 51.445188 -1.601522
SN8 2RQ 9 0 51.444655 -1.606318